Take Time for Refreshment & Renewal

March 12, 2021

Hi Church Family,

This week our Adult Ministries Team had our weekly zoom touch-base meeting. We talked gratefully about the fresh things that God is doing in our church family with regards to prayer. As a church family we started the year with the simple request, Lord Teach Us to Pray and in His kindness He has been answering that prayer. Although the teaching series is done there are many ways you can engage, learn and grow in the area of prayer, individually or in groups.

1. 90 Days of Corporate Prayer. Take the challenge join others in praying for our church for the months of March, April and May especially as we seek God's direction for ministry in the challenges and opportunities we face. When you register to be apart of this you'll receive regular updates to guide you in how to pray for your church. Register to participate...

2. March 17, 8 pm Lord Teach Us to Pray Online Prayer Gathering. This question and answer prayer time will be a follow-up to our eight week series on prayer. We'll explore your questions about prayer, talk about resources and spend some time together in prayer. When you register you'll be given the opportunity to submit questions to be discussed. After registering you'll receive a link to access the online gathering. Register...

3. March 17 noon prayer. Would stopping to pray with others in the middle of your week be a next step for you? Why not try this half-hour online prayer gathering. Be encouraged and strengthen as you connect with other believers. Starting March 17 this online gathering will happen every week for the next few months. Register...

4. New Prayer Page on our website. Check out prayer resources, articles and initiatives on the new prayer page on our website. More information...

5. 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World. Join Christians around the world in prayer for our Muslim neighbors April 13-May 12. You can register for your copy of the Muslim World Prayer Guide. Copies are available in hard copy or digital copy. Receive your Prayer Guide...

6. Year Prayer Challenge. If you're looking for a way to make prayer a more regular part of your daily rhythm join the year prayer challenge and receive monthly resources and encouragement to strength your prayer life. Register...

7. The Prayer Course. There's been lots of positive feedback from Life Groups who have gone through this online eight week course of prayer and your group can start this at any time if you'd like to do this study. Learn more about Life Groups or form a Life Group by contacting: groups@spac.ca

As we go into the weekend I hope you have moments of deep refreshment and renewal. This is my prayer for you----May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Corinthians 3:14.

In His grace, Rita


We'll be together again soon!

We are planning to welcome you back to in-person service starting the week after Easter. If everything goes according to plan, you will have the option to celebrate Christ's resurrection, Easter Sunday, April 4 at 10 am or 12 pm, in-person. The following week, we plan to resume weekend service in-person on Saturday at 7 pm or Sunday at 10 am. In-person registration is required and will open Friday, March 26, 2021.

While the option to return to in-person gathering is available, please do so only if you are ready, and feel safe and comfortable gathering again. If you feel more comfortable attending service online, online services will continue on the various platforms (online through the spac.ca/watch, YouTube, Facebook, Apple TV and Fire TV) at the scheduled service times (Saturday 7 pm, Sunday 10 am, beginning the weekend of April 10 and 11). Of course, if you happen to miss a service, you can always watch it or previous services On-Demand through the website.

We take your health very seriously and will continue to comply with the protocols outlined by the provincial government authorities for guidance. We will still worship, pray and learn together in a way that glorifies and honours our Lord and our God - whether you decide to join online or in-person.

For more information, read the Frequently Asked Questions.

* In-person gatherings may be suspended or change at any time as a result of new or modified regulations and/or restrictions put in place by provincial government authorities to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Sherwood Park Alliance Church will comply with protocols outlined by provincial government authorities.

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At the table, we find Jesus enjoying a Passover meal with his disciples, where he gives them an interpretation of the meaning of his death. Their memory of this night, and what He taught them in the upper room, once they embraced and accepted it, changed them and their world. Why does the Easter season matter so much, and why did the Cross, a brutal ancient tool for public execution became a revered Christian symbol? Pastor Greg, in last week's sermon referred to three reasons:

1. The Cross is a hinge point
2. The Cross is an equalizer
3. The Cross is a problem-solver

If you missed last weekend's teaching or would like to listen to it again, it is available on-demand.

This weekend, Pastor Greg's message explore the various ways we think about and describe the hostility that seemingly exists between us and God, and how the descriptions of God's wrath keep some from following Him. He will talk about the nature of judgement, forgiveness, what Jesus said of Himself as well as the Father.

Online service: Saturday 7 pm, Sunday 9 am & 11 am
Platforms: Website, Facebook, YouTube

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Easter is one of the pinnacles of the Christian faith. Easter may look a little different this year, but it doesn't have to feel different. We are preparing to have the Easter weekend services available for home and now there will be two in-person service options!

On Easter weekend we will journey through three important worship services to end the Holy Week.

Good Friday | 10:00 am, to remember the death of Christ.

• Online only
• We'll be walking through a series of scriptures as we reflect on Christ's death. Download a booklet to use during the service or pick up a physical copy at the church office during business hours (booklets will be available starting March 20).
• Receive Communion in-person at the 1011 Clover Bar Road Campus parking lot after online service. Pre-registration is required and will be open on March 26. The opportunity to request and receive prayer will also be available.

Holy Saturday | 7:00 pm, to wait in the in-between.

• Online only

Easter Sunday | 10:00 am and 12:00 pm, to celebrate new life and Christ's resurrection.

• Online & in-person (pre-registration required - will open March 26)
• We will be celebrating communion during Sunday services. Please prepare to have crackers/ bread and juice to share with one another during online gathering.

We can't wait to gather as one church family, from all over!

Registration for Good Friday Communion and Easter Sunday in-person gathering will open Friday, March 26.


The feeling of regret can be wide ranging, from the meal you ate the night before, to that impulsive purchases you made, or even that awkward text you regret sending. When it comes to parenting our teens and preteens, the feeling of regret is definitely no stranger. Regrets can create significant pain, doubt, and fear; lead to unfair and unmet expectations; adverse attitudes rather than adaptable ones; and a drift in perspective of who is in control of these precious lives that we have been entrusted with to nurture and shepherd.

Do you replay those regrettable moments between you and your kid often? Where do we begin to redeem those moments? And how do we allow Jesus to use our regrets as a way to shepherd our own hearts.

You are invited to the next Faith@Home event as Pastor James creates conversation for you to equip, encourage, and pray with one another.

Register for Faith @ Home

If you happened to miss previous Faith @ Home Conversations, they can be watched and listened to at your convenience:

Cultivating an Intentional Home
Navigating Technology with Our Youth

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