When and Where Should I Pray?

Prayer is an incredible gift! It’s mind-blowing that we’re invited to spend time with the God of the universe. He loves to hear our voice as we pray to Him and He longs to share His heart with us. He promises to give us wisdom and show us good paths leading to the kind of life we’re looking for but a life of meaningful interaction with God takes intention.

It’s easy to be distracted by the many demands and cares of life and to miss out on this most important of all relationships. Here’s three practical things that can help as you develop a rhythm of prayer in your life. As you do this remember that the mechanics and tools of prayer are never the goal but they can help you towards the goal meaningful connection with God through prayer.

Find a quite place
It’s helpful to find a regular spot to spend intentional time with God. Just like you may have a favourite place you meet a friend. It can be as simple as a certain chair in your home, a corner in your bedroom, or a spot looking out of a window.

Pick a regular time
Often people find starting their day with some time with God allows them to be aware of His presence not just then, but throughout the day. Morning is great but that doesn’t work for everyone. See what works for you. Maybe it’s lunch break work or on your commute. Whatever time you carve out for God He is looking forward to being together.

Experiment to Find What Works
Our human relationships look different in various seasons of life. In a marriage where there are young children couples have to tend to their relationship in different ways than empty nesters. A regular rhythm of prayer isn’t a one size fits all. Be creative. Think outside the box. What works in the reality of this season of your life? Also, remember God likes your unique personality and gifts so don’t try to make your time with Him look exactly like someone else. God longs to connect with you!

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