Article Jesus: the One we need, the One our world needs now, as much as ever healing jesus suffering I hope you're having a good week friends. I'll admit it's been a heavy one for me. I've...
Message Series The Cross of Christ death gospel jesus resurrection salvation Jesus Christ was executed on a cross by the Romans, and that was the end of his story...
Message Habakkuk July 25, 2021 bible faith grief jesus prayer suffering trust Do you ever ask, 'God why aren't you listening? Why don't you do something? How come you allow...
Message New Copernicans April 18, 2021 church faith jesus legalism Look for ways to build bridges into communities and people groups that are different from our own. Fight...
Message Part 5 June 13, 2021 jesus promises struggles If you are new to faith, or sometimes struggle with your unbelief, start with Jesus. Jesus asks us...
Message Come Thou Long Expected Jesus November 29, 2020 christmas hope jesus prayer We are longing for the presence and power of Jesus, especially this year. We need more of Jesus,...
Message What Child Is This December 20, 2020 christmas fear hope jesus Jesus came in to this world to defeat the darkness. He is the true light, and gives light...
Message Rahab August 29, 2021 Liquid error: An item with the same key has already been added. Rahab—a prostitute—was never expected to help protect two important men, let alone orchestrate their escape. But God sees...
Message No More RELIGION! October 24, 2021 atheism bible compassion culture doubt evangelism faith following jesus forgiveness gospel grace hope jesus legalism love reconciliation religion salvation trust Nobody is in a more danger from religion, than the religious, because religion is often toxic. Religion is...