
September 23rd, 2022



Pizza with the Pastor

If you are new or feel new, join us to learn more about our church. Discover how to get connected and enjoy the opportunity to meet others.

Pizza with the Pastor is a regular event we hold, as a way for you to meet others who are new(er), as well as some of the pastoral team. Join us this Sunday, after the service or online on Sept. 26. Registration is required.

Groups and events

We are in full swing of this ministry season and there are a multitude of ways to get plugged in, connect and grow. There are many different groups you can join, to find connection and community! 

Events from Young Adults to Daybreak to Professional Women's Network Please keep an eye on our events page to keep in the know! 


Mental Health Seminar

Let us encourage one another and build each other up. Life can be messy and we can find ourselves struggling with our mental health, but this doesn’t change God’s love or purpose for us. Join us for a conversation about Mental Health and receive resources to help build resilience, provide hope and strength for your journey.

Serving at SPAC

Another way to connect is by joining a serving team! We do have various needs in various ministries but we are most interested in helping you engage in a meaningful way and grow in your spiritual journey. Serving others can be a way to draw us closer to God and help us learn to love others like He does. It's a way to build connection and community. If you are not sure how or where to serve, please let us know and we would be happy to connect with you and help you find a place to serve!

Family News

Do you have Family News you'd like to share with our church family? Email [email protected] and let us know


If you are newer to the church or just haven't yet signed up to receive the weekly eNews, perhaps you would like to. This is a great way to stay connected with all that is happening around this community! Go to to subscribe. 


What's happening at SPAC?

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