Where We're At & Where We're Going

March 5, 2021

Happy Friday Church Family:

In the last few months one of my frequent rants has been about the challenge of planning in the COVID-era. When our world changed dramatically last March, we were smack in the middle of ministry planning for the season we're in now, and instinctively we scrapped a few things and went in new directions. We also slowed our process and delayed presenting plans and budgets to our members for a few weeks, allowing us more time to discern. Even something like planning a Weekend Teaching Calendar proved daunting. It wasn't until the fall that pastoral colleagues like Dwayne Uglem and Rita Penner convinced me that a series on prayer (Teach Us to Pray) would be timely in January and February. I'm glad I listened to them! Your feedback and encouragement has been notable, and as I reflect back on the last few weeks I'm grateful we took up the challenge.

Starting this weekend we're moving on to a series designed to prepare us for Easter and the celebration of new hope and resurrection, called The Cross of Christ. This is a time of year when we often align ourselves with the Christian calendar and churches across the world by thinking about the resolute willingness of Jesus to set aside His rights and privileges, and to suffer for the worlds sake. I trust the online services in March will stretch you and prepare you for Easter - we're only 30 days away!

Before we close the book entirely on our prayer series, I want to let you know that many of the prayer initiatives and challenges from the last few weeks will live on a website page dedicated to prayer. Prayer is the life-giving experience of connecting with God. It's mysterious and sometimes frustrating, but it is accessible. I'd urge you to spend some time on the 'prayer page' and explore the tools, ideas, and opportunities you'll find there, including a mechanism for sharing your prayer needs so that others might lift you up.

Finally, a grateful shout out to the 140 of you who committed to praying for our church for the next 90 days. March, April, and May are planning months, as we try to anticipate what our community and world will look and feel like in September. There's just as much uncertainty in March 2021 as there was in March 2020, but we've learned in these last months, to use this time of uncertainty as an opportunity to turn to Jesus. If you're willing to join the group praying for all our leaders in these next 90 days, the opportunity to participate in 90 Days of Prayer will remain open for a few more days - I'd love to have you.

'See you' online this weekend, and watch for details on Relaunch 2.0 next week!

Greg Hochhalter,
Lead Pastor


On February 23, Pastor James Choi along with Mark and Marla Wiens had conversation about Cultivating an Intentional Home. Cultivating an intentional home is really about intentional parenting. It is that idea of knowing where you are headed as a family, defining values and being deliberate in how that is implemented.

They touched on three areas of parenting:

1. Intentional time
This doesn't always have to be a big, extraordinary event, it's not what you do, it's just being present with them. Some suggestions include:

• Doing errands together
• Finding a shared interest
• Stepping into their interests, even if it's not what you naturally enjoy or are good at
• Inviting them into in your chores - changing tires, cooking, construction = teaching life skills and time together
• Involving them in your hobbies and interests

2. Intentional Conversations
These aren't scripted, they're part of everyday life that are helping shape your child's identity in Christ. Intentional conversation means:

• Actively listening
• Asking questions that prompt critical thinking and character building
• Modeling respectful speech
• Staying calm. A calm demeanor diffuses the situation rather than escalating it. Thinking and praying before responding
• Letting them talk and letting them FINISH. Listen without judgement and without reaction

The most important conversation you can have is with God. We are so aware of how flawed we are as parents. It is only by God's grace that our children are walking with Him and desire to grow in their understanding and love for Him.

3. Intentional Mission
As a family, what do we value? What are we all about?

• List them all, vote on the top 12; allocate a month to each value (without forgetting the others).
• Summarize a mission statement
• Make this your own as a family. Everyone needs to have a say so they own it and feel accountable.

Christ IS the foundation of all that we do and it is embedded in all things. What is most important to you, what you immerse yourself in cannot help but come out in your day- to-day living.

Listen or watch the conversation with Mark and Marla Wiens.

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Jesus Christ was executed on a cross by the Romans, and that was the end of his story until three days later when it was not. What looked like disaster, failure, humiliation, and the end, was instead, that which pulled everything together and launched a revolution. It all goes back to The Cross of Christ.

Why does the Easter season matter so much? The message will begin with an introduction to the series, a description of the Christian calendar, along with corporate and individual preparation for Easter. Pastor Greg will also touch on how the Cross, a brutal ancient tool for public execution became a revered Christian symbol. There's a lot to cover in this weekend's sermon as Pastor Greg kicks-off the first message in The Cross of Christ series leading us into Holy Week.

Join online: Saturday 7 pm, Sunday 9 am & 11am
On the website, YouTube and Facebook


Last weekend concluded the Teach Us to Pray series. In Hebrews 4: 14-16, we are told that we can approach God's throne of grace with confidence whenever we are in need, stuck in a decision, or at our wits end and need some of God's wisdom in the present moment.

Instinctive prayer happens naturally, continually praying in the moment.

God, help me know what you want me to do right now. I'm looking up to you; I need your wisdom, and the power to do what You want me to do.

If you missed any of the messages, or would like to listen to any of them again, they are available on-demand.

On Wednesday March 17, a follow-up to the eight-week Teach Us to Pray series will be held. Explore your questions about prayer, get resources and spend some time together in prayer. When you register you'll be given the opportunity to submit questions for discussion.

Registration required...


Prayer is central to the Christian faith and what connects us with God. It's the life-giving language for our relationship with Him. Whether you are new to prayer, or consider yourself a prayer warrior, there are many ways to incorporate prayer into your daily life and learn more about prayer. At Sherwood Park Alliance Church, there are a few initiatives and events currently underway you are encouraged to participate in and pray about.

90 Days of Corporate Prayer
Unite in prayer for the next 90 days to pray as the church and its leaders as they plan for the next ministry year. When you register, you will receive an email every couple weeks to help guide and direct you, as you pray for your church to navigate this unique ministry planning season. Register to participate...

Noon Hour Prayer Gathering
Starting Wednesday March 17, and every Wednesday from 12:15-12:45 until June 30 join together in prayer with others to pray for individuals, the church family, our community and our world. Registration is required for each week you would like to participate. Register...

Teach Us to Pray Follow-up
A follow-up to the eight-week Teach Us to Pray series at 8 pm, Wednesday March 17. Explore your questions about prayer, get resources and spend some time together in prayer. Register...

To learn more about prayer, your personal prayer journey or to request prayer for yourself or those you care about, visit the prayer page on the website.

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