Simple Service... Humble Gifts Offered to God
I'd like to make you aware of a need in our church and ask if you'd consider being part of the solution. But before I present the need, let me (while desperately trying not to be manipulative!) remind you that deciding to serve is about so much more than a need. It could be that you're missing out on what God has in mind for you by choosing not to serve.
Matthew 14 is one of the places we read about a massive group being given food in a miraculous way. A huge crowd had gathered around Jesus, and late in the day His disciples urged Him to send everyone home so they might get something to eat. I love Jesus' response: "That isn't necessary - you feed them" (Matthew 14:16 NLT). You probably know the rest of the story. Despite suspecting Jesus had lost His mind, the disciples took what little they had and began passing it around. I can only imagine how mind-blowing it was when there was more than enough for everyone.
It's been my experience that humble offerings, offered in faith, is what God uses to transform lives and meet practical needs. Yes, those on the receiving end of your service benefit, but the servant benefits too by being able to experience a version of what the disciples experienced on that Palestinian hillside. Simple service...humble gifts, offered to God, when empowered by His Spirit, are multiplied and effective. Don't listen to the lie that you don't have what's necessary to make a difference!
Like every other church, these days we're pivoting, retooling, rebuilding, and relaunching. Next on the list is a cautious attempt to restart our in-person Kids Ministry. If you feel any kind of nudge to cheer for, care for, mentor and encourage some of the kids God's entrusted to our ministry, we're ready to talk about how you can be a part of this new beginning, and how you can taste for yourself what it feels like when God takes simple things and does something great.
If you would like more information or are considering serving in Kids Ministries, find out more information. If you would like to to speak to someone directly please email: [email protected]
If you would like to get involved in any other capacity, please check out the various ways you can serve depending on your time and availability.
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