Wise Business

Hello Church Family!

I hope you’re well as we approach the 3rd week of Advent. Below you’ll see a variety of church news and information, including details on holiday gatherings and an invitation participate in welcoming our community to Christmas services...please keep reading!

As we near the end of 2022 I want to reflect on what’s happened through our shared ministry and ask you to consider a year-end financial gift.

In the last few months, we’ve witnessed bunches of powerful testimonies, dozens of baptisms, and blessed hundreds via our Assistance and Missions Funds. I’m inspired by the momentum in our Youth Ministry as more and more students from unchurched backgrounds are being introduced to Jesus. Group engagement is on the rise, weekend Kids Ministry is slowly returning to something closer to normal. Last weekend’s online and in person worship participation was the highest since the start of the pandemic. As a church, we celebrate life change, and there’s much to celebrate!

But there’s much more to be done as we press on in our mission to love God, each other, and make disciples, and it’s all made possible through the generosity of our people. To that end I want to invite you to help us finish the year strong and prepare ourselves for an exciting 2023 by prayerfully considering a year-end gift to Sherwood Park Alliance Church. Corrine and I will be making this a priority, and I’m asking you to do the same.

Our Ministry Fund fuels most of what we do, so if you wish to maximize Kingdom impact with your giving, please give there. Our secure giving page contains easily fillable forms enabling you to give via credit or debit. If you prefer to give in person and/or by cheque, debit machines can be accessed in the South Atrium before and after weekend services, and you can always visit the church office during regular hours. Note, the church office closes at 4 pm on Friday, December 30. You can also give by TEXT at 587-905-0205, and if you wish learn about how to donate stocks, securities or even bitcoin, please reach out to Sandra or Dwayne via our church office (780-467-8404) for more information. All contributions received on or before Dec. 31 will be receipted and may be claimed as charitable contributions for 2022.

Thank you for your generosity and partnership.

Greg Hochhalter | Lead Pastor

P.S. Only 16 more sleeps 'til Christmas!

Communion Weekend

This weekend, we will be celebrating Communion together, remembering what Jesus has done for in thankfulness.
If you attend online, we invite you to us - find some crackers and juice and join us as we corporately take Communion as the body of Christ.


Christmas Eve At Sherwood Park Alliance Church

The Christmas moments we cherish the most are the ones we share together! Sherwood Park Alliance is excited to welcome you, your family, and friends to experience the story of Christmas with one another. The awe and wonder of the shepherds as the angels shared the good news of hope and peace in Jesus' birth! Invite your friends and family to celebrate through beautiful worship, art and words.

Our Christmas Eve services are for the whole family and are always a special time for kids to experience the Christmas story. Nursery will be open for children age 2 and under at all Christmas Eve services. All older children are invited to join their families in the auditorium. There will be a child-friendly environment, with limited space available, for families with preschool aged children in the north balcony. We look forward to celebrating with you this Christmas!

Join us on December 23 at 6 PM, or December 24 at 2, 4, or 6 PM to celebrate Christmas together. There will be family photos, live music and more!

This year the offering received at the Christmas Eve Services will be going to For Freedom International. This organization was started “with a dream to see the marginalized, vulnerable, and exploited set free from the injustice of oppression.” Working in Phuket, Thailand, FFI is focused on “growing a public awareness and education campaign in Thai public schools to help provide sexual education, anti-trafficking awareness, [and] after school support programs for children, and families at risk.” Funds collected will go towards a building project to provide boys who have been rescued from human trafficking a safe home. You can make your donations here on December 23 and December 24.

Christmas Eve Serving Opportunity!

Our team here at church is busy preparing for this special Christmas season and we would like to invite you join us! There are various ways you can help and be a part of the Christmas Eve services! Please see spac.ca/christmasserve for more information or contact our Hospitality team at hospitality@spac.ca


Justice and Compassion Christmas Projects

As the Christmas season approaches, there will be many way to engage in giving by participating in one or more projects that our Justice and Compassion team is leading.

International Workers Christmas Cards - Each Christmas we as a church come together to express and encourage our International Workers.

Ways to participate are:
1. You can sign one the digital cards.
2. Write your own separate note of encouragement on a card of your choosing, for the International workers, and drop it off at the church.
3. Email your encouragements and Christmas greetings to Annemarie and we'll add them to the e-cards for you (please include who each of the messages is for).

Cards can be picked up or dropped off or dropped of at the church during office hours or around a weekend service December 10/11, 17/18. Cards are due back January 2, 2022.

We Care Christmas Bags - Thank you to everyone who picked up a tote bag. Please return the bag to the church by December 11.  


Kids Ministries Family Advent Devotional Guide

The holiday season goes by so quickly with the hustle and bustle of all the celebrations and preparations. We're inviting you to take pause each day as a family and reflect on the presence and peace of Jesus in this season. Sign up here to access our family advent devotional which includes a short reading (separate Elementary and Preschool readings both included) and a beautiful build your own nativity scene document. Guides are available online to print at home, or in-person at the Kids Kiosk in the atrium on weekends or at the front church office.

Holiday Hours

The regular schedule around here will look a little different during the Christmas holidays.

On Christmas Day, Sunday December 25, there will be no in person service but there will be an online service only at 10am.

On December 26 and 27, the church office will be closed for Boxing Day and a day in lieu of Christmas Day.

We will be open and hold regular office hours on December 28, 29 & 30.

On New Year's Eve, Saturday December 31st, there will be no service - online or in person.

On Sunday January 1, we will have our normal Sunday service at 10 AM online and in person.  

Family News - Serve Opportunity

There are a couple of families in our church family who would like help with meals to get them through a time of illness. We are looking for volunteers who could pick up gift cards from the church to purchase ingredients or store made meals and then deliver them. Both families have dietary concerns that need to be considered. If you are able to help, please contact Alison Blackley at alison.blackley@spac.ca

Career Opportunity at SPAC

We are currently looking to hire a Human Resources Manager, please see here for more information.

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