Wise Basics

Happy Friday! 

I hope you have had a tremendous week as we continue into yet another fall. The leaves are dropping like crazy and I’m watching them like a hawk! I failed last year at getting the leaves taken care before the snow, I’ve got to stay on top it this time!

I’m looking forward to being together this weekend talking about what I have found to be one of the most practical, helpful verses in the New Testament. We'll be continuing in our new series The Wisdom Of James, looking at the second half of chapter 1. I hope you can get to one of our services either Saturday @ 7pm or Sunday @ 10am.

I also want to give a huge shout out to all of you who participated in the Clothing Exchange. Thanks for going through your stuff and dropping it off, over 500 people were able to leave our campus with much needed clothing for the season ahead. There were more than 100 volunteers who worked hard to makes this happen again, it is a privilege to serve alongside so many of you as we live out what it means to follow Jesus in real and tangible ways.

See you soon,



Pizza with the Pastor

If you are new or feel new, join us to learn more about our church. Discover how to get connected and enjoy the opportunity to meet others.

Pizza with the Pastor is a regular event we hold, as a way for you to meet others who are new(er), as well as some of the pastoral team.

Pizza with the Pastor will be held after each service on October 29 and 30. When you register you can select which class you'll be attending.

If are unable to join us in person please email us for an online option.


Justice and Compassion Christmas Projects

As the Christmas season approaches, there will be many way to engage in giving by participating in one or more projects that our Justice and Compassion team is leading.

We know Christmas is still a couple months away, but starting this weekend you can participate in Operation Christmas Child. Boxes can be picked up in the Atrium over the next 3 weekends and returned on November 12/13.

For detailed information on Samaritan's Purse, packing your shoebox, or to see the impact your shoebox can have go to samaritanspurse.ca.

Other ways to engage this Christmas will be:

  • Sign a Christmas Greeting for an International Worker

Stay tuned for more information in the weeks ahead!


A Call to Prayer

Pray with others from our Church Family for the Persecuted Church around the World on November 2 at 7 PM. In this evening together you can expect to receive information about those being persecuted around the world today, personal testimony from parts of the world where Christians are being targeted, prayer time for specific requests and a time of connection with others from our church family. For more information and to register, please see here.


Groups are a gathering of people from all walks of life where you are invited into a place of deep community, where you can be known, loved, and encouraged to grow in your walk with Jesus.

Did you know that we have many different Support Groups to get involved with? You can join any time!


New Identity

Parenting Children with Special Needs

Professional and Leadership Woman's Network

The Sanctuary Course

For more information on Groups, please contact groups@spac.ca.

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