The First Step

On behalf of the Board of Elders of Sherwood Park Alliance Church, I would like to take a few moments of your time and do something this Board has not done in a long time. The last two and a half years have seen the greater world, and to varying degrees our own individual worlds change dramatically, and whether we are through the worst of it or there is more in store, it’s time to pause and say thank-you.

The members of this congregation have persevered through the unknown, the partially known, and the all too familiar, seemingly steadied by three things that ever remain immutable: faith, hope, and love. Faith in a God who says that if we look for Him, He will find us - without fail. Hope in the fact that even when tomorrow’s forecast is bleak, its events remain fully unknowable – until it becomes the past, there is always a chance to salvage the future. And love that can resist a culture incessantly broadcasting above all else, #MeFirst – and suggests instead that we honour each other above ourselves.

I admire those of you have held tightly to your beliefs, who have been willing to lay down your right to gather in an effort to show others more vulnerable, that the Christian community was prepared to honour their fear and losses even at personal cost.

Likewise, our pastors, our leaders, and our staff have been stretched and challenged in ways none of would have anticipated back in December of 2019 when we naively gathered to sing carols and exchange gifts for what, for many, would be the last time - or at the very least, the last time for a long time. As new reasons for anxiety continue to emerge - the sudden and surprising invoking of the Emergencies Act in Canada, followed only ten days later by the outbreak of war in Europe - we realize just how much we need each other as a church family, and how often we have been able to adjust to continue to meet each other’s needs. Whether we connect digitally, in small “life” groups, or at our weekend celebrations, we have seen our congregations and our leaders step up and creatively and cautiously find ways to do church. Again, the Board says, thank-you.

Finally, I would like to look out across the horizon at what we as a Board, along with church staff, are planning and hoping for as we gingerly step further into 2022. With approximately half of the congregation still opting for an online church experience, we continue to look for ways to fund the expansion of that ministry in effort to create better connectedness, person by person. We also want to support and encourage those of you who have found community and opportunities for spiritual growth through your Life Groups. The stories of friendship and acceptance through Life Groups continue to abound. And lastly, we want to thank and encourage everyone who has found meaningful relationships through serving opportunities within the church structure itself and invite anyone who feels like they would like to connect in a way that serves others, to find a team that suits their talents and skills.

The Board of Elders is here, likewise, to serve the church, to listen to and understand the questions and concerns of our congregation, and to celebrate alongside people who continue to find joy in a life in Christ.

Trent Forsberg

Elder Board

Communion Weekend

This weekend, we will be celebrating Communion together, remembering what Jesus has done for us in thankfulness.

If you attend online, we invite you to join us - find some crackers and juice and join us as we corporately take Communion as the body of Christ.


Children Dedication

There is no manual for raising kids, but God has given us something far better - the Holy Spirit and community. Child Dedication is a way to acknowledge our dependence on the leadership and guidance of the Hold Spirit as we do our best to be an example and lead our children into a relationship with Jesus.

Register at before May 8th to have your child dedicated during one of our May 27 or 28th services.


Senior's Connect

Come and join us for the next Seniors Connect on May 10, 2022 at 1 PM. We will be having a hymn sing! Please come prepared to ask to sing your favourite hymn and perhaps share why it is so meaningful to you.



When we re-orient our lives around and loving like Jesus we are made new. Baptism is a celebration of this commitment and time to share how God is transforming us. Baptism is this picture of how the gospel changes lives. It's a remembering of that moment or season where you said "yes" to God - His love, His forgiveness, His purpose for you life. 

Baptism weekend will be May 28th and 29th. Baptism Prep Classes will be held in the Fireside Room after each service on May 14th, 15th, 21st, and 22nd. Registration is not required.

There will be an online Baptism Prep class offered on May 22nd at 1 PM. If you are interested in this, please register here to receive the Zoom link for the online class.


Grade 4/5/6 Fun Night - Color Me Crazy

Grade 4/5/6 Fun Night is a great time for kids to connect with others, bring friends and have a blast.

Back by popular demand…on May 27th, we are excited to hold another COLOR ME CRAZY! Dress to be outside and wear old closed toe shoes, clothing that can get messy and bring eye protection! Invite your friends too. Registration is required.

Drop beings at 6:15 PM and pick up will be at 8:30 PM. All children must be signed out by a parent, guardian or designated adult at the end of the evening.


General Assembly Volunteer Opportunities

General Assembly is a national gathering held every two years by The Alliance Canada. This year, General Assembly will be hosted, in-person and online, at Sherwood Park Alliance Church on July 5-8.

In order for General Assembly to run smoothly - we need you! Consider some of the volunteer opportunities and register today! After each of the services this weekend and next, head out to the Atrium and connect with a General Assembly volunteer coordinator for more information. 

For more information about General Assembly, schedule, attending etc., please visit

Burundi Project

In 2008, Sherwood Park Alliance Church, along with Food for the Hungry (FH), partnered with the community of Kayanza Burundi as they began their 10 year journey out of poverty and into sustainability. In 2018, we rejoiced with the community as they accomplished their goals and began to thrive!

To look back on our journey with the community of Kayanz and FH, please see this video. To learn more about FH Canada, please visit 

Many of our Sherwood Park Alliance Church families were connected to this project either through child sponsorship, donations, prayer and opportunities to visit Burundi.


Online Ministry Enhancement

The public weekend gathering is no longer the front door - the digital presence and online experience of church is overwhelmingly our first point of connection with the spiritually curious, and an essential method for initiating and fostering discipling relationships within our congregation. Streaming online is more than a broadcast - it's a platform with which to nurture meaningful connections with online viewers.

The hybrid church is the new normal.

To help support this new normal, we are launching an Online Ministry Enhancement campaign. For more information please see

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