The Ethic of Love

Happy Friday everyone - I want to give you a quick preview of what’s being planned for our worship gatherings this weekend, but before I do 2 quick updates:

1. A big thanks to several hundred of you who participated in our Service Survey in the last couple of weeks. Dominating the data is: ‘We like 10 am!’ The other noteworthy finding is that our Saturday attenders don’t really desire 6 pm vs. 7 pm (we wondered whether families with kids would prefer an earlier start time, which also frees up more of the evening for time with friends). For now, no changes – we’ll stick to Saturday’s @7 PM and Sunday’s @10 AM. As we continue to re-emerge and our numbers grow, we may have to add a 3rd service, but for the next while – our schedule remains consistent with the last few months.  

2. Some church staff news: Pastor Kiara Moshansky is taking on some additional responsibilities in our Kids Ministry, while continuing to also give leadership to our youth department, so don’t be surprised when you see her increased visibility among our fantastic team of leaders ministering to our kids and families. I’m thrilled to tell you that 2 of our summer interns have agreed to remain for another season – Luke Davidson will be serving as a part-time Youth Coordinator, and Luca Scarsellone will continue in a part-time roll on the Weekends team as Technical Coordinator. Welcome back Luke and Luca! Denise Marshman has also had a role change, transitioning from her role as an Executive Assistant to Communications Manager. Finally, we’ve got 3 openings on our team. We’re looking for a Videographer, and two part-time roles on our Kids team. If you have any interest or know someone who might be a fit, more info can be found here.

In this weekend’s services I’m starting 3-part teaching series called “P̶e̶r̶f̶e̶c̶t̶ Purposeful Parenting.” Any of us blessed with the opportunity to raise and influence children pray for healthy and well-adjusted kids. As they mature, we focus on safety, education, character development, and a foundation of faith. All good, but what about our long-term relationships? What kind of family cultures are we creating? This series is for everyone who’s part of a family – parents, grandparents, and future parents. We’re talking about what determines a sense of ‘with-ness’ now and over the long haul. Hope you can be with us online or in-person this weekend, and please consider who you might invite!

Greg Hochhalter | Lead Pastor


Groups Open House

Groups matter because it invites you into a place of deep community where you are known, loved and encouraged to grow in your walk with Jesus.

We know community begins when we move from sitting in rows, to doing life in circles together. This weekend, immediately after each service we want to invite you to our Groups Open House hosted in the atrium, where we want to help you journey into deep community.



If you’re new and unconnected, we want you to find out about our medium sized group, called ‘Connections’. It is a safe entry point that takes you on a 4-week journey with others who are wanting to find community for the first time or who are willing to try again. 


We are offering two options this September, in person (starting September 22) where we will share a meal together. The other option is online (starting September 20). Registration is required for either option. If you are joining online you'll receive the Zoom link in your confirmation email. We hope you check it out!


Pizza with the Pastor

If you are new or feel new, join us to learn more about our church. Discover how to get connected and enjoy the opportunity to meet others.

Pizza with the Pastor is a regular event we hold, as a way for you to meet others who are new(er), as well as some of the pastoral team. Join us on Sept. 25 after the Sunday service or online on Sept. 26. Registration is required.

Fall start up and events

We are in full swing of this ministry season and there are a multitude of ways to get plugged in, connect and grow. From Young Adults to Daybreak to A Call to Prayer Please keep an eye on our events page to keep in the know! 

Serving at SPAC

Another way to connect is by joining a serving team! We do have various needs in various ministries but we are most interested in helping you engage in a meaningful way and grow in your spiritual journey. Serving others can be a way to draw us closer to God and help us learn to love others like He does. It's a way to build connection and community. If you are not sure how or where to serve, please let us know and we would be happy to connect with you and help you find a place to serve!



Often times, grief is so overwhelming we wonder if we'll ever find a way out. Know you don't need to grieve the loss of a loved one alone. Find support, comfort, and community with others who have experienced bereavement and discover how God can give you peace and hope through your grieving. GriefShare is a 13-week program designed to help you face these challenges and move toward rebuilding your life. Each session is “self-contained,” so you do not have to attend in sequence. You will find encouragement and help whenever you begin. Please register here.

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