Stop Going To Church (Part 1)

Hi everyone,

You’re all encouraged to stop going to church this fall!

Now that I’ve got your attention, let me explain.

In generations past local church communities were social, cultural, and missional hubs. People went to church to see others and to connect with God. But the way we engage with each other and with God has changed. We’re drowning in options for how to spend our time, and we have 24/7 access to all matter of Christian content, and besides, the big ‘C’ church hasn’t exactly been crushing it lately. Does the local church still matter?

I think it does, and as we start the fall, we’re going to spend a couple weekends thinking about why that is. We’re going to talk about contributing more than consuming. We’re going paint a picture of what it looks like when the local church is working right. We’re going to talk about BEING the church rather than merely GOING to church. Please consider making the next two weekends a priority either in person or online (@7 on Saturday and @10 Sunday).

And while I’ve got you, please scroll down and learn more about some of the opportunities to more fully engage in the life of our faith community this fall. Welcome to September!

Greg Hochhalter | Lead Pastor


Groups Open House

Groups matter because it invites you into a place of deep community where you are known, loved and encouraged to grow in your walk with Jesus.

We know community begins when we move from sitting in rows, to doing life in circles together.

On September 17 & 18, immediately after each service we want to invite you to our Groups Open House hosted in the atrium, where we want to help you journey into deep community. If you’re new and unconnected, we want you to find out about our medium sized group, called ‘Connections’. It is a safe entry point that takes you on a 4 week journey with others who are wanting to find community for the first time or willing to try again.


Child Dedication

There is no manual for raising kids, but God has given us something far better - the Holy Spirit, and community. Child Dedication is a way to acknowledge our dependence on the leadership and guidance of the Holy Spirit as we do our best to be an example and lead our children into a relationship with Jesus. 


Register here by September 11 to have your child dedicated during one of our September 24/25 services. 



Senior's Connect is back! Come and join us for our next gathering on September 13 @ 1 PM. It will so good to see each other and hear about your summer! Register here.


Fall Service Times

As we move into the fall, we have decided to keep our summer service schedule going and stay at 2 services - 7PM on Saturdays and 10AM on Sundays. We are exploring what possible changes to this schedule could look like - and we will be engaging with you later in the fall about this as we want to make thoughtful informed decisions if we are going to make any changes - so for now... we will keep going as is!

Staffing Update

After serving on staff as the Kids Pastor for a year, Pastor Kent has resigned and his last day on staff will be September 8 – but he and is family will still be a part of our church family so expect to see him in the congregation and volunteering. 

Pastor Kent deeply loves the staff he has gotten to work close with as well as the tireless volunteers that have blessed his life with their incredible passion and dedication to children.

Kent, we are deeply grateful for your time and service with us. We wish you God’s richest blessings now and wherever He may lead you in the future.

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