Rejoice with those who rejoice & weep with those who weep.

May 21, 2021

What makes the good days so much better and the bad days a lot more bearable? Community. I experienced both this week and was so thankful for it. Let me give you the Coles Notes. On Monday night, I had the joy of seeing 16 beautiful faces on the screen for a Zoom Shower for one of our daughters. The richness of participating with a community of women who know her and love her was a taste of heaven as they shared in the joy of her upcoming marriage.

Then Tuesday morning we awoke, not only to snow, but to a loss we hadn't anticipated. As my husband looked out the window into our backyard he said with a catch in his voice, "the willow"! My heart sank. Any member of our family would have known what he was talking about. There's a huge beautiful old willow that's been the anchor and focal point of our backyard for the 21 years we've lived in this house. It's graced us with its presence for family birthday parties, office parties, water balloon fights and so much more. Seeing it irretrievably split into four gnarled pieces felt like the loss of an old family friend. But again, community brought comfort to a tough day as kind texts and words came our way.

I know. It's just a tree, but the sadness was real and the recognition of our loss by friends and family was a gift of grace. Scripture says, "rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep" (Romans 12:15). I experienced both this week and was reminded again of the power of community. Relationships take investment and sometimes they're inconvenient, but they pay off in spades as we walk together through the highs and lows of life!

Have a great long weekend.

Rita Penner,

Adults Pastor, Pastoral & Teaching Team


If you are just begun finding new life in Jesus - baptism IS your next step. If you've followed Jesus through so much of life, but yet to visit water - you are welcome.

Baptism is this picture of how Jesus changes lives. The act of being lowered into the water and then raised up again mirrors the story of the cross and resurrection. By design, it's a celebration of this personal 'yes' to God, but your presence with the Spirit at the water draws us in as church to witness the story unfold.

An online gathering is planned if you are moving toward baptism: whether with curiosity and questions or with intention to join the next baptism opportunity. You are welcome no matter where you're at in your faith story. Registration information...


As followers of Jesus, there may come a time when your faith waffles between confidence and doubt, belief and skepticism. Navigating these competing convictions during times is what this series is all about and navigating the times when your unbelief may take over.

Many people, you may be included, think that Jesus' essential message, His reason for showing up in the first place is to do more good than bad while we are here on earth. Then, at the end of our life, God will say, "thanks for your effort, the good you did outweigh the bad, so your ultimate destiny is heaven, not hell." However, this isn't the message of the Bible. The real message of Jesus begins in Mark 1: 1, when he opens the gospel accounts of Jesus by culminating Israel's story and the fulfilment of the promise of God. Jesus has arrived; the Good News has come. Jesus is destined to live among His people and to rescue them. The core of the core of Jesus' message is about God coming here, on earth, and on God's activities and purpose, not our behaviour. The grand vision of God, the Good News, has arrived - Jesus has come to address the problem and resolve it. The Kingdom of Heaven isn't a place we go to when we die, it's already here.

The Bible Project explains the concept of heaven and earth in this YouTube video: Heaven and Earth.

The core of the story of the Bible is about heaven and earth being ripped apart from each other. When God created earth, he also created heaven. They were one of the same. However, human beings made the decision they wanted autonomy and independence, and to be the ones who defined good and evil rather than trusting God. Human beings created hell, not God. Hell is not something to fear at the end of life; hell is the present. Hell is a reality that human beings unleash on each other and on God's good world and God hates it. The story of the Bible is about God seeking to heal His world and get the hell out of it.

When Jesus came to earth, the Kingdom of God arrived to invade earth and to confront evil by ridding the world of a hell-free existence. His life is a complete picture of human potential that only gives, only loves, and only others centered. His death and resurrection create the possibility of an existence free from hells influence, so repent and believe in the Good News.

The invitation is to join Jesus in continuing the work that He started by creating pockets of heaven on earth where His Kingdom reigns and His will done.

This weekend, Pastor Rita will continue the series Help My Unbelief.

Saturday 7 pm & Sunday 10 am | Online: website, Facebook, YouTube, Roku and Apple TV

All messages can be watched or listened to at your convenience on-demand.


Your Will is the last statement you will ever make. You want it to be a meaningful one! The inheritance you leave to your loved ones is about more than the monetary assets of your estate. It is about their best interests and the values you want to pass on.

What will be the spiritual inheritance you leave? Do you have a Will that adequately reflects your heart and properly prepares the next steward? Will your legacy of giving extend beyond your own life?

The estate specialists at Advisors with Purpose (C&MA partner)... will answer questions about your estate and help you align your wishes with God's purpose. Register...

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