Love Like Jesus

August 27, 2021

What do you do, with people who are different than you?

Growing up, I had a pretty diverse circle of friends. I fit into just about every scenario, and was a bit of a chameleon when it came to pockets of community. Settling into suburbia, however, has me surrounded by a lot more of the same type of person as I am. And now-a-day’s I hate to admit it, but I am much more content being with people who are “easy” to love.

Jesus set a very clear example

But when I look at the person of Jesus, and the way that he radically sought to include those who culture and society intentionally tried to exclude (women, the sick, tax collectors, those believed to be cursed etc). Jesus set a very clear example – and when the religious elite were frustrated with who he associated with, and called him out on his “spending time with such scum” (Mk 2:16), Jesus responded by saying this: “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do. I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners.” (Mk 2:17).

The door to relationship with Jesus has always been wide open, for anyone and everyone who would be willing to walk through it. And this weekend, as we wrap up our series of Biographies, we will be looking at one of those stories, (Rahab) an Old Testament example of the Jesus way to view people. Can’t wait to see you there!

Brody Jespersen

Staff Update

Four years ago at this time Luke Knoll joined our team as a Worship and Media Director and most recently served as our Hospitality Pastor. Earlier this month Luke accepted a role as worship Pastor at a new church starting in September. We just want to bless Luke and Jess and their young family as they continue to invest their lives in service to Jesus and His church.

I cannot begin to express how thankful I am for the genuine friendship, care, and community you have shown not only myself but Jess, Norah, Zoey, and Seth. This church community has been such a wonderful home for our family these last four years, we will cherish the time and connections we’ve made here; God has so much in store for Sherwood Park Alliance and I can’t wait to see the Kingdom impact that comes from this body of believers!” Luke Knoll

It's been one of our traditions to express appreciation to departing pastors through a financial gift. Please consider participating by clicking the GIVE tab on our website homepage. An option to donate to the Knoll love offering will be active for the next couple of weeks.

Thank you, Luke, we appreciate the years you have invested in our church.


This summer, as we bridge the distant 'back then' with the not-so-sacred 'now.' This series of messages calls out the similarities of age-locked peoples who aren't so different from us. Their stories are life changers. Sometimes they confront, sometimes they comfort, sometimes they inspire. And almost always, they lead to a continuing love affair with Scripture.

Join us online or in-person Saturday at 7 pm | Sunday 10 am (YouTube,, AppleTV, Roku).

Past messages can be watched anytime on-demand.


There is no manual for raising kids, but God has given us something far better - the Holy Spirit, and community. Child Dedication is a way to acknowledge our dependence on the leadership and guidance of the Holy Spirit as we do our best to be an example and lead our children into a relationship with Jesus. If you are interested in Child Dedication, please register by visiting the website.


If you’d like to find ways to connect deeper into community and grow in your walk with Jesus, the opportunity to join or lead a life group is one of the best ways to do this! We’d love to help you find a community through either in-person or online group options. Immediately after the services on the September 18/19 weekend we will have a Groups Open House hosted in the North Balcony where you’re invited to learn more about what Groups we have available in our church, how to either join a group or lead one! It would be great if you could put it on your calendar and plan to stick around that weekend and learn more!

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