Jonah Runs

Hello everyone!

Well, after being away from our gatherings for a couple of weekends (I’m sure you could guess why), I’m looking forward to being back! We're starting a new series on one of my favourite parts of the Scriptures—Jonah. Over the next three weekends we will take a look at this often misunderstood story. It’s a remarkable tale that is funny, challenging, and relatable. It's so much more than a fish story and I hope you are able to join us either in person or online.

In this first message, we are going to take a look a Jonah’s attempt to run from God. We’ll see the remarkable truth that while we often try and run, our God pursues. I think the best weekend to invite a friend, neighbour, or co-worker to church is any weekend that they will come. But the start of a new series, especially one as accessible as Jonah, makes it a great time for someone who doesn’t normally attend church to jump in!

Would you take a risk? Would you be willing to send someone the link for the online service, or maybe invite them to come with you to one of our three live gatherings this weekend?

More information about how we will model hospitality with shifting guidelines can be found below. See you soon!

Jeremy Cook

Senior Associate Pastor


When we re-orient our lives around living and loving like Jesus, we are made new. Baptism is a celebration of this commitment and a time to share how God is transforming us. Baptism is this picture of how the gospel changes lives. It’s a remembering of that moment or season where you said ‘yes’ to God – His love, His forgiveness, His purpose for your life.

Baptism weekend will be February 26th and 27th.

Baptism Prep Classes will be held:

  • IN PERSON: On February 12th, 13th, 19th, and 20th in the Fireside Room after each service. Registration is not required.
  • ONLINE: On February 20. Please head here to register.


If you are new to this community and would like to meet others and some of the pastoral team, we would love to meet you!

On February 13th after the 11 am service, we will meet IN PERSON. Since we aren't able to eat together, you will be given a Nitza's Pizza coupon for you to enjoy at another time.  

Registration is required for either event and you can do so by heading to

Gathering Guidelines at Sherwood Park Alliance

Hospitality is a deeply held value and our intent is to be as welcoming as possible at our public gatherings while remaining mindful of the well-being of our church family and community. Those participating in larger in-person services will come with a variety of comfort levels and opinions. Please consider this an opportunity to exercise love and care for one another. 

As public health measures around masking and capacity limits are lifted, we’ll strive to create multiple seating options. Our spacious auditorium with non-fixed seats allows for more intimate seating for friends and family members, as well as choices for those who would prefer a little more physical distancing. 

Our hospitality team is ready to welcome you and is committed to helping you experience a low-stress and safe environment while on our campus.

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