Jonah Prays

Hi Church Family!

It is my pleasure to write to you and bring you greetings from the Kids Ministries department. To start with, it has been an honour to serve our children and families over the past few months. In some ways, the varying levels of comfort around in-person gatherings has allowed me to meet people at a slower pace. This has helped me in getting to know you and start to learn each of the names of the kids that come.

Slow and steady, though, we have been welcoming families back with increasing numbers. Last Sunday, we had 100 kids join us to learn about Jesus, celebrate who He is, and have a great time together. We are so thankful to God to have the privilege of serving these little ones in this way.

We continue to operate with the current AHS guidelines and go above and beyond to ensure we provide a safe and secure environment for all. We keep classroom sizes smaller so that we can facilitate distancing and hopefully more will feel up to joining us in person as well.

To best serve families, we do have quite a bit of online content, including weekly video lessons for kids and resources for parents. Head to to stay up to date on the latest!

Please know that we in Kids Ministries are here for you too and would love the opportunity to serve you in any way we can.


Kent Maddigan
Kids Ministries Pastor

Gathering Guidelines at Sherwood Park Alliance

Hospitality is a deeply held value and our intent is to be as welcoming as possible at our public gatherings while remaining mindful of the well-being of our church family and community. Those participating in larger in-person services will come with a variety of comfort levels and opinions. Please consider this an opportunity to exercise love and care for one another.

As public health measures around masking and capacity limits are lifted, we’ll strive to create multiple seating options. Our spacious auditorium with non-fixed seats allows for more intimate seating for friends and family members, as well as choices for those who would prefer a little more physical distancing.

Our hospitality team is ready to welcome you and is committed to helping you experience a low-stress and safe environment while on our campus.


When we re-orient our lives around living and loving like Jesus, we are made new. Baptism is a celebration of this commitment and a time to share how God is transforming us. Baptism is this picture of how the gospel changes lives. It’s a remembering of that moment or season where you said ‘yes’ to God – His love, His forgiveness, His purpose for your life.

Baptism weekend will be February 26th and 27th.

Baptism Prep Classes will be held:

  • IN PERSON: On February 19th, and 20th in the Fireside Room after each service. Registration is not required.
  • ONLINE: On February 20 at 1pm. Please head here to register.


There is no manual for raising kids, but God has given us something far better—the Holy Spirit and community. Child Dedication is a way to acknowledge our dependence on the Holy Spirit as we do our best to be an example, and lead our children in a relationship with Jesus.

Register at before March 6th to have your child dedicated during one of our March 26th or 27th services.

Serve With Us

We believe that actively serving not only brings us closer to God, but reminds us to love others like he does. Through serving, you'll use the unique ways that God has gifted you to help create welcoming environments where he can change lives.

There are many opportunities to get involved. Go to to learn more. The Hospitality team is currently looking for more volunteers to help with Weekend services and the upcoming Easter services.

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