In Good Times and Bad, Joy Is A Choice

November 6, 2020

I hope you're finding some joy in this day. If finding joy is a struggle today, I know there's a multitude of reasons why that may be. The weather's turning, it's dark at 5:30, the USA is melting down, there's a lot of hurt and loss in the community, and the COVID numbers are getting very troublesome. Sorry to remind you of all that when you might be looking to escape this kind of news.
Recently, someone sent me this great quote (sorry, I get a lot of email and I can't remember who it was)!: If you choose not to find joy in the snow, you will have less joy in your life, but the same amount of snow. Wise words.

As we head into more uncertain days and a long winter, it's more important than ever to choose joy. If you draw your joy from circumstance, well, that may be a tough go. Don't wait, find joy...choose joy now. Last weekend the Teacher in Ecclesiastes reminded us that in good times and bad, joy is a choice. He said "Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for God has already approved what you do." (Ecclesiastes 9:7)

In light of all that's happening around you, GO... (a strong action word in the original language) live your life with gladness. Eat and drink with joyful hearts, make the most of these days, God approves of this!

I'm praying for you today. I can't pray for all of you by name, but I'm lifting our congregation up to God and asking for more of His presence, protection and joy. May that be your experience today.



This weekend, Pastor Brody will continue to build off Pastor Greg's message from last weekend that life comes from God's hand as a gift. You have it for a short while, and one day God will call 'time' and take it back. Enjoy life with friends and family because tomorrow one or more of them will be gone - or you might be. If you missed last weekend, all previous messages are available On-Demand.

As the Living Life Backward series continues, Pastor Brody's focus will be in Ecclesiastes 11:1-6 where the main premise of the teaching is on owning your cluelessness. Where do you get your perspective from? Your parents? Social media? Conventional media? We all think we know what's what. We're firm in many convictions, but the Teacher asks: 'What do you do when you have no clue? What's your perspective on things you can't control or explain?' The Teacher suggests to 'Look at the things you know from the perspective of things you don't know. Own your cluelessness.

Hope you can join either online or in-person. In-person registration is required for 9 am or 11 am service.

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Jesus talked a lot about anxiety and worrying about what may happen in the future. In Matthew 6:25-27, Jesus tells us not to worry about our life, and what we will eat or drink; or about our body, what we will wear. God takes care of the birds and feeds them, so why wouldn't He take care and provide for you-you are more valuable than them. He also asks you if by worrying you can add a single hour to your life? Giving your worries to God, praying and trusting that He will take on all your anxiety and worry is definitely one way of dealing with our anxiety. Knowing we serve a loving God who helps and provides healing provides comfort and peace, but He may not provide it immediately or in the way we imagine. Faith alone may not erase anxiety or by being more faithful, cause the torment of anxiety to disappear. Sometimes we need additional help, and what works for one, may not work for another-unfortunately there is no magic wand.
Below are some strategies that may help you when dealing with anxiety:

  • Be part of a community - God made us human beings and enabled us to help each other, serve one another and live in community.
  • Build Resilience - What makes anxiety or mental disorders so difficult to battle is that we try to avoid putting ourselves into situations where we experience anxiety
  • Rate it - Create an awareness of what you are feeling and experiencing by rating your anxiety on a scale from 0 to 10 (0 = totally chill, while 10 = my head is going to explode).
  • Breathe - This may sound very basic, almost patronizing, but the truth is, when we are in a heightened state of anxiety... we sometimes forget to breathe.
  • Be present - Bring yourself to right here right now.
  • The ultimate truth - God tells us that He is the ultimate shepherd and is walking through this us. That means, you are not alone! God is with you-always.
  • Schedule some time to worry, pray or meditate - Set some time aside to focus on the problem without any other distractions. The time you have becomes more productive in solving the problem. Schedule time to pray and meditate.

Excerpt from Struggling With Anxiety with Pastor Rita Penner and Dr. Shawn Reynolds

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