God Helps Those Who Help Themselves

Happy New Year Friends,

There’s an ongoing debate about how long it’s appropriate to greet others that way. Some suggest it’s appropriate for 2-3 days, others say a week, and some say it’s a suitable greeting whenever communicating with a friend the first time in a new calendar year. I’m not here to settle the debate, other than to suggest that the greeting definitely sounds a bit awkward in March! So, one last time from me: ‘Happy New Year.’ I hope and pray that 2023 is a year of growth, meaning, joy, and purpose, no matter what you’re facing, or what it brings.
As you think about how you’ll pursue Jesus and engage in the SPAC community in ’23, there’s lots below to stimulate your thinking. Kids and Youth Ministry are ramping back up (youth on Jan.17/18), groups are kicking off new seasons, and serving opportunities are plentiful. And next week is the start of our annual prayer emphasis known as Solemn Assembly. Participation can be as simple as receiving daily prompts via email, to much more. Check out the details below to learn how Solemn Assembly can help you and those you love begin a New Year in a determined way.
This weekend I’m starting the message series I described briefly on Christmas Eve. We’re calling it Phantom Passages - a look at some of the ways the scriptures have been misquoted, manipulated, and misunderstood. We’re going to try to rectify some common biblical blunders and have a little fun along the way. We’re back to our regular weekend schedule after some holiday changes, so please consider joining us online or in person this weekend, Saturday @ 7pm or Sunday @ 10am.
You belong here!

Greg Hochhalter | Lead Pastor


Solemn Assembly - Listening to the Voice of God

As we begin looking forward to 2023, the New Year is a time to reset and give priority to what is most important. Our church has a tradition of collectively doing this reset by starting the year with a week of prayer called Solemn Assembly. It does not matter if prayer is new to you or a regular part of your life, we invite everyone to register for the five-day prayer challenge.
Each morning from January 9 to 13, you will receive an email that will guide you through a brief time of prayer.
We have planned two online gatherings—Tuesday, January 10 and Thursday, January 12 at 7:00 pm. On the 10th, we will hear from guest speaker and former pastor, Mark Buchanan, where he will be sharing insights and practical tools for hearing from God. On the 12th, Wendy English will be sharing with story and scripture on how to hear God in the storms of life.
We invite you to join us in person on Wednesday January 11, for a potluck, prayer and worship time beginning at 6pm.
For more details, other ways to participate and to register for any of the gatherings, please go to spac.ca/solemn assembly.


Pizza with the Pastor

If you are new or feel new, join us to learn more about our church. Discover how to get connected and enjoy the opportunity to meet others.
Pizza with the Pastor is a regular event we hold, as a way for you to meet others who are new(er), as well as some of the pastoral team.
Pizza with the Pastor will be held after each service on January 14 or 15. When you register you can select which class you'll be attending.
If are unable to join us in person please email us for an online option.


Child Dedication

There is no manual for raising kids, but God has given us something far better - the Holy Spirit, and community. Child Dedication is a way to acknowledge our dependence on the leadership and guidance of the Holy Spirit as we do our best to be an example and lead our children into a relationship with Jesus.
Our next Child Dedication is scheduled for January 28 & 29. To register by January 15 and for more information, please see spac.ca/kids


Groups Open House

Groups matter because they invite you into a place of deep community where you are known, loved and encouraged to grow in your walk with Jesus. We know community begins when we move from sitting in rows, to doing life in circles together.
Immediately after the service, over the next 3 weekends, we want to invite you to our Groups Open House hosted in the atrium, where we want to help you journey into deep community.
For more information on all Groups, please contact groups@spac.ca

TreeHouse Open House

TreeHouse Preschool is a fun place where three and four-year-old's get their first experience of going to school and learn that school is a great place to be!
TreeHouse Open House is on January 24, 2023 - from 3:30pm to 6:30pm. Bring your child and and meet the teachers, check out our classroom and ask your questions! Registration is required.
If you aren't able to to attend on January 24, email Heather Spronk and we will arrange another time to meet you.
General registration for the 2023/24 school year opens on February 2 at 7pm.


Explore life, faith and meaning together.
Alpha will take you on a 10-week journey with others on an adventure to explore the questions of life, faith, and who this Jesus is -- and how it all comes together. It is here, that you’ll begin to develop on going community with those you meet in Alpha and your discipleship journey with Jesus!
Alpha is open to everyone, for those who are looking for life answers and to those who are new in the faith. We’ll connect over a meal, watch a short thought-provoking video, and jump into real authentic conversations around tables! Starting Thursday January 26 at 6pm.
Check out more about Alpha here and register to join us!

Christmas Eve Special Offering

Thank you so much, we are truly humbled by everyone's generosity!
We received $36,250.25 at the Christmas Eve Services that will be going to For Freedom International. This organization was started “with a dream to see the marginalized, vulnerable, and exploited set free from the injustice of oppression.” Working in Phuket, Thailand, FFI is focused on “growing a public awareness and education campaign in Thai public schools to help provide sexual education, anti-trafficking awareness, [and] after school support programs for children, and families at risk.”
Funds collected will go towards a building project to provide boys who have been rescued from human trafficking a safe home.
Thank you very much.

Other January Events

Please make sure to check out our events page for all the latest activities around here!
Parenting Children with Special Needs Support Group - January 7
Daybreak - meets Wednesday morning at 9:30am
Wednesday Gents - starts back up on January 18

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