Explore God's power and wisdom to make your imperfect family a little less imperfect

April 9, 2021

I'm not sure how old I was when I reached the conclusion that every family is messed up. There was plenty of evidence that my family was, and as I spent time in the homes of my friends, I could see healthy dynamics not present in my home, as well as chaos and dysfunction unique to theirs. There's no perfect families, and there's a reason for this - every family is made up of imperfect people, and imperfect people plus imperfect people never equals a perfect family.

This weekend is the start of a five-part message series where we'll try to get a little better when it comes to the relationships that matter most. This weekend's intro will set the table as we consider how to manage the gap which exists between the ideal and our reality. Week two's focus will be an illuminating discussion about how our emerging generations are processing faith. In week three we'll dive into the concept of spiritual mismatches; how to manage the complexity when a love relationship involves someone who follows Jesus while the other may not. On weekend four I'm going to share some of my own story and how I dealt with (and continue to deal with) not receiving much affirmation from my father...how we all need our parent's blessing, what to do when it's too late to receive it. On the final weekend, on Mother's Day, I'm going to assemble the teaching team (Brody, Rita, Jeremy, and myself) for a group message. We're going to share everything we know about effective parenting. It'll be a short message.

Please join us these next few weekends as we explore God's power and wisdom to make our imperfect families a little less imperfect.

Greg Hochhalter,

Lead Pastor

COVID Update.jpg

The April 6, 2021 announcement of heightened public health measures and the return to Step 1 on the Provincial Path Forward has necessitated a review of our plans to relaunch Saturday evening and Sunday morning services in early April. We've hit the 'pause' button one more time.

At each stage in this marathon journey our posture has been to demonstrate care and concern for our community and to stand with our most vulnerable by limiting our freedoms when it seemed wise to do so. At this critical juncture in our collective effort to minimize the impact of COVID-19 and its variant strains, we have chosen one more time to be active participants in seeking to lower infection rates and hospitalizations.

We will, once again, exclusively host service online until further notice, using various platforms: the website, Facebook, YouTube, Apple TV and Roku. In keeping with the scheduled spring and summer hours, service will be held Saturday 7 pm and Sunday, 10 am. Service times will be revisited again in the fall.

The last time we had to make this difficult choice we were headed into the darkest and coldest months. This time, we benefit from warmer weather, longer days, increasing vaccine availability, and the lessons we've learned and continue to learn. I'm particularly proud of creative leaders across our ministry who have not focused on what we cannot do but on what we can.

Easter weekend services and on-campus Communion provided ample evidence that many are longing for human connection. There's a pull toward the sacraments and for mutual edification, encouragement and prayer. The good news is these needs can be met apart from large, indoor worship gatherings.

While we wait until it's safe and responsible to gather as a large faith community again, we'll continue to emphasize opportunities for safe and distanced drop-in connections, as well as Life Groups gatherings online and in-person. We've got spacious parking lots and fields at our disposal, and no limits on our creativity!

Thank you for all the ways you've adapted in these last few months.


Pastor Dwayne Uglem

Almost four years ago, I stood outside of a Tim Horton's, taking a call from a long time friend in Quebec. He called to announce, "I've travelled alone too long, I'm picking a handful of guys I'm going to start tracking with, and you are one of them. Get ready, I'm going start texting and calling you regularly. I'm going to see how you are doing and I'm going to let you know how I'm doing."

It made so much sense - I knew I needed to do that same. It was time to take the risk and choose a small list of people I was just going to keep connecting with -- where I would own the initiative and become intentional.

Over these past four years, Abraham has kept his word. The texts and calls have gone back and forth. Sometimes daily, sometimes a few months slip by. The pattern has moved from a tone that was at best annual and casual, to a pattern and practice where I could comfortably say I need a place to talk. It created a foundation that allows us to discuss the unexpected hard roads we have both had to walk. A place to share and test thoughts. A place to practice inviting each other to keep following Jesus.

I keep coming back to that call. Reminding myself that it is so important to be practicing these kinds of calls -- telling people I'm going to own staying in contact with you; because I need you in my life. I've got a couple such lists now. A list of people who span several of my worlds. A list of those right in this community. We need circles -- intentional relationships we will own and keep up. We were made for this.

Read more stories about how belonging to a Life Group has positively impacted individuals lives and learn more about what being a part of a Life Group is all about. Life Groups...


If you would like to learn how to bring intentionality to time spent with friends, or would like to find out more information about what being part of a Life Group is all about, we are hosting an Open House this weekend online through the chat after the live stream of the services on Saturday, April 10 or Sunday, April 11. We will also be hosting an Open House online through Zoom on Monday April 12 at 7:30 pm. Registration is required for this gathering.

Learn more about Life Groups...


The resurrection of Jesus started a revolution, albeit an unlikely one considering those that led the revolution were a group of "nobodies" who didn't have power, authority, status or wealth. Instead, they had the one thing that would transform and shape the world as we know it. Love. The Jesus-revolution was propelled by love. If you missed last weekend's Easter Sunday sermon or any other sermon from past series, you can watch it, or listen to it again (sometimes it really is better the second time around!) on-demand.

This weekend Pastor Greg kicks-off a new series that will take us to May, My Imperfect Family. We all have a family and it's undoubtedly flawed. Despite the best intentions of our parents or ourselves, family can be messy and the source of hurt. And sometimes our attempts to make things better only makes things worse. Instead of being overcome by defeat, join us as we explore God's power to make our imperfect families a little less imperfect.

Saturday 7 pm| Sunday 10 am online: website, Facebook, YouTube, Apple TV and Roku


Join Christians around the world in prayer for our Muslim neighbours April 13 - May 12, 2021. Follow together with believers around the globe using the Muslim World Prayer Guide that will inspire you as you discover and learn about the unique challenges faced by our Muslim friends. This prayer time coincides with Ramadan which is a time of prayer and fasting for Muslims.

Registration is required for either a digital or printed copy of the Prayer Guide. Kids versions are also available for purchase on the 30 Days of Prayer website.


PALM reaches those who are new to Canada coming from a variety of ethnic backgrounds. They have a focus towards reaching those from a Muslim background as God has placed this people group on their hearts. Building relationships with everyone who enters their doors is important to them as well as assisting with practical needs.

For a glimpse into what PALM does, here is an example of some of the work that Ron and Lois do:

It's been just over one month since we started the Pantry Project. There have been 25 visits to the Pantry by people in need, most of those unique. That is to say only a couple of households have accessed our help in this way more than once so far. Almost all have come and selected the items they need themselves. There have been a couple bags we have delivered to homes.

The idea of a pantry of some basic non-perishables, quickly materialized as volunteers began bringing in the products. This has become a window of ministry in more ways than food. It brings clients in to see us again in person, as well as filling a food need. Our motive is to help supply those with job loss, or physical problems with a little love and help, so that their meager money can go for fresh fruits and veggies and other individual necessities.

We have observed a taste for spiritual food as well. One student came with her husband, who quickly left the 'shopping' to his wife as he saw our staff member Rasem. Rasem is from Syria and speaks Arabic, like this man. The topic began with 'religion' and ended with Jesus and an exchange of phone numbers. He wants to do some research and we are hoping a different kind of hunger will be satisfied!

Lois & Ron,


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