Church: On the Other Side of COVID

June 18, 2021

Hello church:

It's an understatement to say we're living in fascinating times. Simultaneous with when our province is winding down public health restrictions in order to return to something resembling normal life, our church is also looking ahead to life and ministry on the other side of COVID.

In the next five days there's multiple opportunities for you to learn more about where our Elders and Pastoral leaders sense God is directing us. When it became clear the events of the last 16 months would be a once-in-a-lifetime (hopefully) event, we instinctively knew that many of our assumptions and operational approaches would need to change. I can't wait to share some of our prayers, hopes, and dreams for our short- and long-term future, and the first way I'll do that is via an important vision message this weekend. For the first time in a long time, you have the option of experiencing it in person! Yes, on campus public worship resumes this Saturday night and Sunday morning! Register to attend in-person service.

Please, please make this weekend's service a priority. Following each gathering we'll be holding bonus information sessions in order to walk you through our 2022 Ministry Plan and Budget Summaries, and to describe in more detail two culture-shaping initiatives: A capital project to enhance our Online Ministry capacity; and a bold step forward toward our vision for Regional Ministry. In addition to the sessions following online and in person services, Monday evening Pastor Wayne Regehr and I will host an info session, tour, and prayer time at the Millbourne Community Life Centre in Millwoods.

Our five-day blitz culminates on Wednesday, June 23, with an Online Congregational Budget meeting where our members will be asked to affirm the outlined goals, priorities, and budgets for the coming year. Once participating members register, credentials and voting instructions will be emailed out to them. The deadline for registration is Sunday, June 20 . Joining the online meeting is still possible after this deadline, but you must register prior to the deadline in order to vote.

Join me in praying that God's Kingdom come, His will be done, in our church and in our community. Hope to see you one way or another this weekend!

Greg Hochhalter
Lead Pastor


Welcome back to in-person service Saturday, June 19 at 7 pm and Sunday, June 20 at 10 am.

While the option to return to in-person gathering is available, please do so only if you are ready, and feel safe and comfortable gathering again. If you feel more comfortable attending service online, online services will continue on the various platforms (online through the, YouTube, Apple TV and Fire TV). Of course, if you happen to miss a service, you can always watch it or previous services On-Demand through the website.


Join us online as the Board of Elders presents the proposed budget for the next ministry year. Everyone is invited but registration is required. Members will receive voting instructions and credentials after registration. The documents that will be discussed at the meeting on June 23 at 7:30 pm are now available for you to access online and review prior to the meeting. Access documents, find out more information, and register here. Deadline for registration is Monday, June 21 at noon.

2022 Ministry Plan Information Session
Attend a 2022 Ministry Plan Information Session where any questions you have can be answered. If you are attending in-person service on June 19 or 20, you can simply stay after service, no registration is required. If you would like to attend the 2022 Ministry Plan Information Session online, registration is required to ensure you receive a link to join the meeting. Register...

Millbourne Facility Tour and Information Session
If you would like to learn more about the Millbourne opportunity, which will be voted on at the Congregational Meeting on June 23, 2021, join us for an information session and tour of the Millbourne Facility on Monday, June 21 at 7 pm. Registration required...


Jesus expresses His amazement twice during His time on earth: the first time is in response to great faith and conversely, the second time, a lack of faith.
The first time involves a Roman centurion who approached Jesus and asks for a favour. Culturally, this was unheard of since Jewish and the Romans were considered enemies, and furthermore, Romans were not in the habit of asking Jewish people for favours. However, Jesus being Jesus, had a persistent tendency of ignoring cultural or racial differences, and agreed to go to the centurion's home to heal a sick servant, much to the shock of everyone. However, before Jesus sets off, the centurion tells him that He does not have to physically go to his home, that he understands how things work. As a man of authority with soldiers ready to obey his command, if he gives an order, his soldiers do it without question; not because of who he is, but because of who he represents--the Roman Empire. He goes on to say, if you, Jesus, are willing to heal my servant, just issue a command and I believe it will be done. You have the authority to do that. "When Jesus heard this, He was amazed." Matthew 8:10 NIV. Jesus is so impressed with the centurion's big, bold faith and his complete confidence and obedience in Jesus.

The next time Jesus is amazed is when he is visiting His family. During His visit, Jesus continues to teach and perform miracles and it does not take long before people in town start questioning Jesus and accusing Him of thinking He is better than everyone else. This time, Jesus is amazed by the people's lack of faith.

Jesus wants us to be people of great faith; meaning possessing a faith that is active and confident and bold. Sometimes, if you consider yourself to be a person of faith, this can be confusing and you may not know exactly how to apply their faith, but it is even more confusing for those who do not practice the Christian faith. Real faith is more than just optimism and hope, Real faith is anchored in an object. The point of Jesus' earthly ministry was to establish Himself as the object of our faith. Put your trust and your confidence in Jesus; don't let your hearts be troubled put your faith in Him. There are some days when we possess the faith of the centurion and sometimes, we feel more like the cynics from Jesus' hometown, but wherever you are in your spiritual journey, the path toward faith rests in Jesus Christ.

When the disciples decided to follow Jesus, they learned to trust Him and allowed Him to speak into every aspect of their lives. Over a three-year period, He showed them that He was right about everything: relationships, prayer, love, anger, eternity, forgiveness, sin, evil ... everything.

If you are new to faith, or sometimes struggle with your unbelief, start with Jesus. Jesus asks us to follow Him and promises that He will show us the way and the truth. When you do, you, like the disciples, will come to learn that He is right about everything. Eventually, you'll come to the foot of the cross where He died, you'll peer into His empty tomb where He lay, and you'll find out that being with Him and creating little pockets of heaven on earth is a fantastic way to live. You'll discover His ways make you a better human; you'll begin to hear the voice of His spirit with greater certainty, and you'll see He's the answer to your deepest problems, guilt, and shame. You'll be led to know He is the Messiah, the saviour of the world, the Son of God.


Fifteen months in a pandemic has been described as a cultural and economic winter, a 'mini ice-age', a once-in-a-lifetime change event that's likely to affect our lives and organizations for years. Before we head into a restorative summer, Pastor Greg will reflect on how our church has moved through these last few months and provide a hopeful glimpse at what's next.

Online or In-person (registration required)

Saturday 7pm | Sunday 10 am


You're invited to a special outdoor edition of Pizza With the Pastor on Tuesday, June 22 at 6:30 pm. This is a regular event we hold, in-person, as a way for you to meet others who are new(er) as well as some of the pastoral team. We'll gather safely around a firepit outdoors at the church while enjoying your own individual pizza and getting to know each other a little bit better.

Register your spot for this event and your individual pizza order will be taken at that time.

We look forward to connecting with you!


Our Summer Family Challenge is created for YOU as a family to have the most memorable summer ever! Running for the months of July and August these Summer Family Kits include fun, faith-focused activities for all ages to complete together - earning points for every challenge along the way. Our points range from 10 to 150 depending on the activity. At the end of the summer, the family with the most points will win the grand prize. But don't be discouraged, even 10 points will qualify your family to enter our draw to win one of our participation prizes!

Included in your Summer Family Kit will be a guide with all of the activities and points, as well as a fun Kick Start Kit made up of some treats and props to help you complete some of the activities. The kits are portable, great for road trips, and some of the activities are great to do while on vacation. The Kick Start Kits are available for the first 100 people who register.

The Summer Family Kits will be available for pick up Friday June 18 from 3:30 - 6:30 pm, Saturday June 19 or Sunday June 20 before and after each in-person service.

Register to participate and pickup your kit!

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