Bring It Forward

November 20, 2020

For the past month I have been struck by these words of Jesus found in Luke 18:40-41, responding to the blind beggar's cry for mercy. "...When [Jesus] came near, Jesus asked him, 'What do you want me to do for you?"

The invitation to converse with Jesus by answering His warm yet pithy question, has given way for you and I to bring our hearts, our situations, and our family or friends before Him. For me, responding to His question has brought upon wrestling matches that have humbled my attitudes and thought-life. They have also brought great encouragement to my discouraged heart, and have given me renewed hope and perspective during uncertain times.

Another response I bring to Jesus' question, is on behalf of our young people and each of you parents and guardians of our Junior High and Senior High youth. "Jesus, help our young people walk closely and see their need for you. Help them find their hope, their security and their peace in only you." For our parents: "Jesus, continue to encourage them as they care for and shepherd their kids' walk with you. Would you give them strength and boldness? And would you give our parents renewed hope that you are still journeying with their family. You have not forgotten them."

I want to invite you: parents, guardians, grandparent, of Junior High and Senior High youth, this Tuesday, November 24, to our Faith @ Home event, as we gather to equip, encourage and pray for one another in this ongoing journey of parenthood. We were not meant to do this alone. So, together, lets bring forward what we want Jesus to do for our youth, our families, and in us as parents.


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This is an opportunity for parents, guardians and grandparents to come together and have a conversation where you can empower, encourage, and equip each other student parents. We will coach, resource and pray intentionally with each other during this evening.

The conversation will be around the value of first caring for our kid's hearts instead of fixing them. Let's gather with other parents who are also journeying in creating and cultivating a home where students feel safe to honestly share how they're navigating life and how we can respond as their care providers.
We will be meeting online. Registration is required. Once you register you'll receive the Zoom information.


Last weekend, Pastor Greg nudged us closer to the Living Life Backward series when he referenced youthfulness and encouraged people to think about being old before getting there. It's possible to live so as to make old age very sad, and then it is possible to live so as to make it very beautiful. If you missed last weekends message, it, along with the entire series is available on-demand.

This weekend marks the close of the Living Life Backward series. Pastor Jeremy concludes the study of the Book of Ecclesiastes as he teaches in Ecclesiastes 12:9-14. The message is about living life on a prescribed path, the path of wisdom, the path of Scripture, the path of obedience, the path of submission - everything represented in the idea of not living for self, but for something greater. It's a call to Discipleship. Every duty or responsibility we have toward anyone or anything else, we have toward our God first and foremost.

Register for in-person gathering on Sunday at 9 am or 11 am.

Online gathering takes place Saturday 7 pm, Sunday 9 am and 11 am on the website, Facebook, YouTube, Apple TV and Fire TV.

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