Are You Ready To Say Yes To Life With Jesus?

October 30, 2020

We're about to re-enter a season of hosting baptism live in our Sunday services...yes, even during this time of COVID!

I've had this tendency to think that I, or that we, are at the center of our baptism story. I mean really, I was the one about to do something so public, so visible, so humbling. There was a sense that baptism was all about my faith, my decision, my struggle, my courage, my promise.

Our baptism is a deeply personal event and there is beauty in the unique glimpses of God working in real, everyday people. Yet, as we continue to navigate baptism in a cultural moment like none other, I'm drawn back to what - or rather Who - invites us to the water.

Jesus Christ. The One who is risen. The One who is worthy. The One who is King.

Everyone who steps into the tank places Jesus at the center of their story. His invitation, His radiance, His love, His promise, His rescue, His courage. Even in 2020, baptism remains an incredibly meaningful next step after saying yes to life with Jesus.

If baptism is yet to be a chapter in your God-story, then the invitation is open. You're not the first to wonder if there's room for your story at the tank, or if the water is warm (yes, and it's disinfected too!), or what happens after my baptism? Let's start a conversation.

Talk with someone or register for an upcoming baptism.

Loree Peters,
Ministry Assistant II, Adults - Life Stages

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Greetings From Serbia: An Update from Danny and Vera Kuranji

Glen and Ruth Tjostheim recently had a chance to talk with Danny and Vera Kuranji and wanted to share the following with you knowing that you will be encouraged!

The Temerin Center continues to be an excellent location for the rehab ministry, and it is being well used. Once again, they express their overwhelming gratitude for this space and the role which Sherwood Park Alliance was able to play in making this happen. Currently, there are a total of 24 men living at the two centers (Temerin and Novi Sad).

Over the last three months, Danny & Vera have spent a lot of time investing in the various leaders of the rehab centers. Not only are they seeing positive results from that investment, but there is also a renewed spiritual vitality and sensitivity amongst the men in the program. The Kuranjis are especially encouraged by the men's desire to learn about how to share the gospel with others.

Danny and Vera have sent the following video update , so you can see for yourself how your investment of time, prayer and resources is reaping rich rewards in Novi Sad, to the glory of God!


Last weekend, Pastor Jeremy's message focused on Ecclesiastes 7: 1-25 where he spoke about pursuing wisdom over escapism. The Teacher warns us not to be a fool! Stop trying to escape life's agonies by drowning them away with a stiff drink, by laughing away your sorrows and pretending they don't exist. Look forward to the day of you death and ask yourself, what kind of person should I be? It's the end of life that brings everything into focus. Things we gave so much time to now seem empty and pointless. The invitation of the Teacher is to be a wise person - someone who realizes that living a good life means preparing to die a good death. The wise person is fully alive, engaged with the world, their friends and family, and the goodness of creation. If you missed it, or any other messages in the Living Life Backward series, they are available on-demand.

With four more messages left in Living Life Backward, Pastor Greg continues Ecclesiastes 9: 1-12 where the Teacher starts to draw conclusions and introduce the findings. If you knew what would happen to you tomorrow, how would you live today? The life you have today comes from God's hand as a gift. You have it for a short while; one day God will call 'time' and take it back. Enjoy life with friends and family because tomorrow one or more of them will be gone - or you might be. Seize the day!

Hope you can join us!

Register for in-person service: 9 am & 11 am

Online: Saturday 7 pm | Sunday 9 am & 11am

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