A Toxic Combination

November 12, 2021

Hello Church Family — On this Remembrance Day weekend, I’m grateful for those who have served our country, especially those who made the ultimate sacrifice and gave their lives. I know November 11th is a day when many feel proud of loved ones who served in the past or are serving now. For some it’s a day of mixed feelings, including deep grief. God be with you as you contemplate the full range of emotions and give thanks for the gift that it is to live in a nation like Canada.

I hope you’ll be with us online or in person this weekend for worship and another dive into the book of Malachi. This week we’re looking at chapter 2:10-16, and if you take an advance look, you may think this text has absolutely nothing to do with you. Trust me, as irrelevant as it might seem, the more I’ve explored it, the more convinced I am of its relevance and its timeliness. Please give me a shot at explaining why!

Please keep on scrolling to learn more about what’s happening in and around our church these days, especially the news about a 3rd in-person service being added starting on November 28th. Take care everyone!

Greg Hochhalter
Lead Pastor


Are you wondering what Sherwood Park Alliance is up to in the community of Millbourne? Click here to explore how we anticipate ramping up our Regional Ministry in South East Edmonton.

Sign up to start receiving email updates about the Millbourne Campus at spac.ca/subscribe.


Advent is an opportunity to pause and reflect on the birth of Jesus and center your home around the good news of our long awaited Saviour. Before the calendar begins to overflow, make a plan to set aside a few minutes each day to remember and celebrate this Advent season by engaging in activities, prayer, and intentional conversations about Jesus as a family.

Go to spac.ca/kids to either register to drive by the church and pick up your kit or to download a digital copy for yourself!


Don't forget to drop off your Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes in the atrium before or after the services this weekend! If you aren't going to be around this weekend, you can drop them off at Heartland Alliance this week.

Important Updates

Service Time Changes
Beginning on Sunday, November 28th, we will move back to having two services on a Sunday morning one at 9:00 am and the other at 11:00 am. Saturday will stay the same with one service at 7:00 pm.

Child Dedication
This is a way to acknowledge our dependence on the leadership of the Holy Spirit as we do our best to lead our children into a relationship with Jesus.

The next Child Dedication will take place on November 27th and 28th. If you would like to register your child or would like more information, please go to spac.ca/childdedication.
Membership Class
Church membership is the next step for those who believe in what God is doing at Sherwood Park Alliance Church. It's a commitment to participate in our mission to make disciples of Jesus, to love God and to love others.

Join us on November 30th at 7:00 pm—register online at spac.ca/membership.

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